Tuesday, June 25, 2013

ISRAEL Tuesday day 5

Today is friday and I'm writing about Tuesday, which at this point feels like a month ago. Between now and then, we've had quite the desert adventure, which I'll write about when I get to those days.

Our morning began at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum. Daniel and Shayna hung out with Itzik, because you have to be at least 12 to enter the museum. This museum brings you thru the story of the holocaust with personal stories, photographs, and artifacts – such as a large pile of shoes that the prisoners took off before being gassed to death. Before the main building, there is a maze of walls with the names of European cities where jews were taken from carved into the walls. The shape of the maze is the shape of Europe. The museum building is a triangular prism that cuts thru the mountain. There is a sliver of glass along the top edge that represents the fact that this all happened while the world was watching.

As you can imagine, this is a very moving place. As you walk from room to room, the story depicts the psychological and physical degradation of the jewish people. First, the Nazi’s took their homes and their belonging and moved them to ghettos, where they were poor and starving. Imagine being a very smart and successful lawyer and having your home and personal belonging taken and being forced to live in a ghetto. Then the Germans destroyed the ghettos, placing the jews on hot crowded buses, to the concentration camps. Here, the Germans took their clothing, hair, and lastly, their names, branding them with numbers instead. You had to show your number in order to receive food. The somber mood of this museum continues to get darker and darker and at the end, it brings you to a circular room with walls that are lined with black binders, starting lower than the floor and reaching higher than the ceiling. These are filled with the names of people who died during the holocaust.

In this room, Ben participated in a twinning program where they pair him with a child his age, from a town in Russia that my great grandparents lived. We all had tears in our eyes.

From here we drove to Tel Aviv and spent some time at Carmel Market. We love seeing markets in different cities all over the world. We took lots of photos and bought olives, figs, dates, brazil nuts, etc.

We ate dinner at Maganda (Daniel, Shayna, Max and Dave at chicken hearts). 

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