Friday, June 28, 2013

ISRAEL fri day 8 arch dig. market. shabbat.

We began today with an archeological dig. This is not a disneyland dig where items are buried for us to find. The pottery pieces and animal bones that we dug up are real - they are from thousands of years ago.

We spent the afternoon in Jerusalem, stopping at a crazy busy market where everyone comes to buy what they need for Shabbat, before everything closes down. There is fresh challah, tahini that is pressed on the spot (one of this pics), and people yelling thru the crowds, and musicians playing amidst the people.

Now the city starts to slow down for Shabbat. We went back to the hotel to relax and swim before going to the western wall to see how everyone rings in Shabbat. On our walk through the old city, we came upon a large group of soldiers singing and dancing (Anne and Daniel joined in). At the wall, there were many Orthodox with the fur hats. Max and I each want one.

Then we had a big family dinner at an international youth hostel. Everyone told a highlight of the trip thus far, and Ben’s Bar Mitzvah was in everyone’s list.

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