Sunday, June 23, 2013

ISRAEL Sunday day 3

We were picked up this morning by our wonderful guide, Itzik, and David, our driver. This bus is very comfortable (I just found out this bus has wifi! The world feels so small when wifi is so readily available). We can all have our own seats if we want, however Daniel and Shayna always sit together, as well as the 3 musketeers in the way way back (Max, Ben, and Joey).

Our first stop was in the old city of Jaffa to hear some history and overlook Tel Aviv

Our next stop was at a Children's Museum where we participated in a fascinating exhibit about communication. There are 2 sections, a deaf section and a blind section. We went to the deaf section and were put in situations that allowed us to experience how it feels to be deaf, like going into a cafe and introducing ourselves and trying to order something to eat and drink. We really enjoyed it.

From there, we drove to a goat farm for lunch. The fresh goat's milk was delicious. Helps you understand why the taste of goat's milk cheeses taste so different than cow's milk. After feeding the goats (and washing our hands!) we had salads with several varieties of cheese, and the kids had cheese ravioli. 

After lunch, we planted Cypress trees at the Nachson Forest. You can see entire hillsides with full grown trees, so it is obvious that the work we did will one day pay off. 

Continuing on to Jerusalem, we stopped at the cemetary where Dolly's aunt and uncle are buried. Just before entering the city, we had bread and grape juice overlooking the city. 

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