Thursday, June 27, 2013

ISRAEL thursday day 7 masada. ein gedi. dead sea. atv

ok..are you ready ? after today, we've determined that Howard is actually putting us thru basic training in order to secretly sell us to the Israeli army.

3:30 a.m. wake up

we left at 4 am to start climbing Masada because by 9 am, it's too hot to be up there. we went up the roman ramp, which takes only about 20-30 minutes. we made it up in time to watch the sun rise over the mountains behind the dead sea. it was magical. we then toured around the top until 8 a.m. or so, at which point the tired ones took the cable car, and the energetic ones walked down.

the top of masada has many interesting ruins including a bath house with a heated floor, a cistern to hold water, and an olive oil press.

power nap on bus

Then we drove to Ein Gedi Springs and hiked a short way to a waterfall to cool off.
We are SO HAPPY after a long hot tiring morning. And it's only 9 or 10 am.

power nap on bus

Next we visited the dead sea, which is high in salt content, so you walk in up to your waist and lay back and float. You can read a book in the water. Then we covered ourselves in mud, which is known to be very therapeutic.

power nap on bus

Next we drove ATVs in the desert for an hour and a half. The desert just goes on and on and looks like what we imagine Mars to look like. We found a cave where we think the people who have lived here kept water (another cistern).

power nap on bus

Although we are super tired, half of the group still has energy left to go to the City of David wall tour, and the rest of us chose to have a leisurely dinner and stroll.

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