Saturday, July 7, 2012

Paris to Tours to Dordogne

Friday and Saturday were spent mostly traveling to Bordeaux. Getting out of Paris was a total nightmare, beginning with the insanely packed subway ride from our apt to the airport to meet up with Bob, Carol, and Kristin. Unfortunately, during the subway ride, this computer decided to go swimming. (an entire bottle of water exploded in Dave's backpack and this computer got soaked. It has now dried out, mostly, but the screen is kind of a mess. Most fortunately, he was able to save our photos from this trip - what a relief).

After waiting in line at the car rental place for about 1.5 hours (why does it take so long to get a rental car that has already been reserved?). Then another 2 hours in traffic to get out of Paris (apparently it was the start of the Parisian summer holiday - who knew?)....we finally got on our way to Tours.

The chateaux in Tours was absolutely lovely. The building and grounds are breathtaking - and the decor matches Kristin's shoes ! We ate dinner at the chateaux, and it was one of the most amazing dinners we've ever had, including the gluten free bread made just for us.

The following day was an easy and beautiful drive to Dordogne.

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