Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Paris - the Catacombs, Pompidou, Atelier Brancusi, and the Marais

Today we hit the catacombs (creepy....really really creepy) but super cool. It is really interesting how organized the french stacked the bones. They didn't just throw them in there, but instead, they carefully placed them in an artful manner. I think Daniel and I couldn't wait to get out, even though we loved it.

We brought our ham and cheese and baguette lunch and found a bench once we got out of the creepy catacombs. After that, we took the subway up to Les Halles, which is completely under construction. Walked over to the Pompidou, which Daniel thought was awesome, and spent some time sitting and enjoying the Atelier Brancusi. His wish was to have it reconstructed in it's entirety, which was accomplished by Renzo Piano. It is really serene, and a very nice place to sit and be inspired.

Then a walk around the Marais, which has awesome cute shops and restaurants, games in the Place de Vosges, and then dinner. We are wiped out, but there is just so much to see, that we keep going and going. Plus the sun doesn't go down til 10pm, so that's keeps us going too.

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