Thursday, July 5, 2012

Paris - Rodin Museum, lunch along the Seine, and the Invention Museum

On our last day in Paris, we met up with our friends Kim and Kyle. It was so amazing and surreal to spend a day with them in Paris. We began our day at the Rodin museum, one of Dave's favorite sculptors. The garden and mansion that houses the museum is the perfect setting to display the forms in his creations. After such a busy week in Paris, this place was a wonderful respite.

From there, we picked up a baguette, some pate, ham and cheese and of course a bottle of rose (when in france...) for a picnic lunch along the seine. We even think we located the exact bench where Dave and I got proposed. ;)

Our next stop was really interesting. We went to the invention museum. Such care was put into this gorgeous museum. The building was an old monastery, that at some point must have been turned into a factory because there are rail tracks running throughout the interior. We didn't know what most of the inventions were, but they were all beautiful and arranged in a spectacular presentation.

We had dinner in the St Germain area - ham, salmon, and risotto. And of course - crepes and gelato for dessert. The artisinal gelato place had marscarpone fig gelato....delicious!

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