Monday, July 2, 2012

Paris - the antique market + St Chappelle

We started our first day in Paris at the famous Cafe de Flore, where a cappuccino is 7 euro. We were hoping to find a grocery on our first night in order to avoid such craziness and have breakfast at home, but hey - we can now say we ate at Cafe de Flore (it WAS a darn good cappuccino).

Then, we decided to hit the oldest and biggest flea market in Paris. There is stall after stall of the most amazing things to see, from tiny trinkets (naked plastic dolls that 'fit' together on a key chain - that I had to drag Daniel away from playing with - oy) to gorgeous antique furniture to old matchbox cars to a leather rhino (now we know where DWR got THAT idea) has it all.

From there, we took the metro back into the center of Paris to see Notre Dame. The line was super long, and it was very sunny, so we decided to check out Saint Chapelle instead. This is one site we could visit over and over again, it never disappoints. 

Daniel ended his evening with a waffle smothered in chocolate

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