Tuesday, June 1, 2010

day 3 : Seminyak

ok, i'm loosing track of days - that's a good sign that a person is really on vacation, right? this photo is of yesterday's fruit we ate in the morning. we figured out these are : passionfruit, durian, mangosteen, and mystery fruit that looks like a lime on the outside and an orange on the inside. yum.

Today we met up with our friends, Steve and Jenni. And 2 more wedding guests, who we hadn’t previously met. We took a nice walk along the beach to get to their hotel, the sand is fun and gloppy to walk in. We relaxed with them, ate lunch, and Daniel played in their hotel pool. Then their driver took us to Canggu where some of the group surfed and the rest of the group played in the sand, gently fending off the nice lady selling bracelets. In the evening, Daniel stayed at the villa with a babysitter, while the adults went out for a surprisingly delicious dinner. When you see practically every nationality of food offered on a menu (a little Italian, a little greek, a little American, some French), your expectations are generally low. This time…it was the best meal we’ve had so far.

Daniel: My favorite part was making the sand castle and knocking down the ledges of sand along a little river that cut thru the sand. Also swimming in the pool.

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