Thursday, June 10, 2010

day 10: ubud and jimbaran

We got up early this morning to take a walk thru the rice patties. The light is beautiful in the early morning although Daniel didn’t quite understand why were taking a little hike before breakfast! We kept pointing out the view, but all he was interested in was eating J . One of the coolest things about this particular walk thru the rice patties are the random painting galleries that pop up. We bought a painting of 2 girls wearing wedding head-dresses (since we are here for a wedding, we thought that was appropriate).

Daniel made the hats that he and I are wearing :

After a delicious breakfast at the beautiful lotus café (what a view!), we took Daniel to the Ubud market to make some deals. He bought a really cool wooden puzzle and a bicycyle. They had a really cool tuk tuk, but it was too much rupias even after trying to really bargain.

Next was checking out of ulun ubud and off to Jimbaran bay. We ate some yummy fish at one of the fish shacks on the beach, what a difference from 9 years ago. At that point, there were 2 restaraunts, sharing one kitchen with a few dozen tables in the sand – very romantic. Now it’s about 12 restaraunts, and a few hundred tables – big beach party (but still yummy and cheap).

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