Wednesday, June 2, 2010

day 5: seminyak and ubud

This morning Dave woke up super early to go surfing with the guys. Sounds like it was some pretty big surf! Daniel and Brenda went shopping in Seminyak. Grandpa gave Daniel $20 (which is a whopping 200,000 rupias!) to spend on his trip. He has determined he will purchase 1 toy + 1 instrument + 1 piece of artwork. He’s got all his interests covered: music, art, and toys. It proved to be a bit difficult to navigate Seminyak due to all the traffic, but he found a nice piece of art. I’m proud to say, my boy has good tasteJ. Then after a yummy lunch, we went to Ubud. After some miscommunications with the hotel, and a very confused and lost driver (first day on the job), we finally made it. This is the most incredible hotel , which I will decribe in more detail tomorrow. This evening we enjoyed a puppet show, they are so special here, such detail in the puppets. Now we are all cozy in our villa and about to go to bed.

In general, the surfing has been a little frustrating. Really big waves but Dave has been having trouble catching them, battling a lot of waves to stay out and having a hard time. We’ve been to Canggu, Dreamland and Airports. We took a cab to the beach in Kuta, and paid a outrigger to take us out to the break. The waves were pretty huge, a few feet overhead, but somewhat easy. But I got inside of the big sets many many times. Steve and Dave have caught a lot more waves than I did and had a great day.

Daniel says: it’s kinda hard to find some toys, why not go to Singapore? I met a friend whose name is Daniel also. He is from Singapore. I know some of you know this, but some of you don’t, my favorite toys are legos, his favorite toy too. He brought along a water gun, his favorite toy, which is my favorite toy too. I like all the details of the puppets. The show was really good. It was about a king, who lived in a kingdom, and there was a demon killing lots of people in his kingdom. He tried to find the demon and the queen was very mad and the king did not know what to do. So the queen called all 3 of her sons, and her second 2 believed he was brave and strong and had magical powers. He fought the demons and all of the kings’ kingdom was never afraid of the demons again. I also liked seeing backstage.


  1. Daniel: I am so excited that you were able to see the puppet show in
    Bali. I saw one when I was there and found it fascinating. I went behind stage and saw the musical instruments they used. Did you?
    I brought some puppets home from Southeast Asia. Come see them sometime!

  2. yes, we did go backstage. daniel met the puppet master! loved it!!!
