Thursday, June 17, 2010

day 19: our last day

Today, for our last day, we went to see one more really lovely temple. Tanah Lot was built in the 15th century on the sea. You can only reach it at low tide, we were there at high tide, so it's out in the ocean.

And Dave got one last surf sesson in...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

day 18: candidasa to canggu

Today we drove to Canggu and found a very special place to stay for our last night.

We all played in the pool for a while, enjoyed a late afternoon snack, and then Daniel and I sat on the beach while Dave surfed a bit. This hotel has a small area in front with some bales and some beach chairs. We made art drawings and shared our drawing things with a cute, naked, 3 year old little girl. She was shy at first, but we knew she wanted to paint with us, finally…she came over to make her parents some artwork.

For dinner, we took a stroll down the beach, in the dark, with the little girl and her parents, and ate at a place that will grill you any fish you want. You just walk up, point to the pieces of fish or kabob you want on the grill and then they bring you a ton of delicious fish to your table. We sat with our new friends, had a nice conversation, while their 3 year old played with Daniel. The couple was from Germany and it turns out he is a professional hockey player who has been in 2 olympics. The crowd at the restaurant was all locals, since it’s very far off the beaten path, not too many tourists know it’s there.

Last night was our last night here. Dave and I sat on the balcony while Daniel slept and enjoyed listening to the waves and talking about what a great vacation this has been.

Monday, June 14, 2010

day 17 : tirta gangga and amed

Today we visited a beautiful water temple, Tirta Gangga. We walked across a series of stones, and a few moments later, it was completely filled with school children. We arrived just in time!

And then we drove up to a wonderful area called Amed. We wish we had known how cool this area was, because it would be a lovely place to stay for a few nights. There is a lot of diving here and snorkeling. Now that we have a little snorkeler... we were able to go out only about 15 feet from shore to see a ship wreck from WWII. Daniel wanted to call grandpa tonight, since he is such a history buff. He said today's adventure was his favorite thus far.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

candidasa photos

day 16: tenganan and goa lawah

we started out the day with a beautiful yummy breakfast at Alila. This hotel has gorgeous serene grounds, a big sweeping lawn, sprinkled with palm trees, and my favorite pool so far. After breakfast we all sat on our balcony, enjoying the view, and looking up a new (and less expensive) place to stay in this town for 2 more nights because there is a lot to see in east bali. Then we took a little swim in my favorite pool and moved on to a new hotel, which is also gorgeous in it’s own way. This one is very lush, also quiet, small and pretty. Then we toured 2 places in the afternoon: a 1000 year old traditional village called tengganan, and the bat cave ‘Goa Lawah’.

tenganan village

daniel’s take: well, it was really fun finding the entrances. The entrance to the town looked cool , pretty. It was like a castle, with a wall around it, with a little opening door. One opening in front. Instead of a moat, it was a town. It was cool to see the way they new types of games, and what was really cool was that I’m not sure if it was like other towns too, instead of soccer balls, they used coconuts. It was brown and hollow. It was cool to see a new way to knit (weave).

Dave: my favorite part of the village was watching Daniel share his toys and pencils and stuff with all the other kids. And I also liked watching 2 of the kids fly kites. And I loved watching the woman carve the scenes on the palm fronds, which was the first paper they ever used.

Goa Lawah (the bat cave)

daniel’s take: The bat cave was really cool and fun. I made daddy go up as close as you were allowed to - half a foot before they let you go in further, but he really was freaked out. The cave led all the way to besikah (17 km away) and mommy made a joke asking him if he wasnted to take that route to go to the besikah temple. I’m sure you know this, but if you don’t, my dad hates bats and we were suggesting he go 50 meters in a cave with 2 million bats. At 6:30 , 2 million bats swarm out of the cave to go find food. We were making a joke, on our way out, about coming back at 6:20 to see them all swarm out. I knew he was kidding. I wanted to ask if I could buy the cave in live in there, carve the rocks and bring some mattresses and pillows.

Dave: this was just terrifying. I will never go and watch 2 million bats fly out at night. Daniel says, “oh yes you will. “

day 15: Lombok to Bali

Today we left Lombok on the local $3 ferry to Bali….interesting! since our flight was cancelled, and we had decided to go to Candidasa, taking the ferry was a good idea. It comes right into a town 5 minutes from Candidasa. But you get what you pay for with a $3 , 4 hour long, ferry ride.

Tonight we had dinner at our hotel, dave and I tried a traditional east bali ceremonial meal, it was a little bit of everything and was quite delicious. Most esp the meat in the banana leaf, and the home made coconut pistachio ice cream.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

wedding photos

day 14: gili islands

today was one of the best days yet! we took a small outrigger to the gili islands. we relaxed in a small bale on the beach for a bit. ate a terrific lunch. and daniel learned how to snorkel! our guide showed him and within minutes, he was snorkeling. what a fast learner.

day 13: wedding day

What an interesting experience! I’m not even sure where to start, I think videos and photos are necessary to capture the essence of the day.

The day started with everyone getting all dressed up our wedding attire. All the women wore fancy silk saris, woven with gold threads and the tops were colorful semi-transparent sequined blouses. We each had our hair done, and most of us had makeup done as well. The men all wore 2 layers of saris under a black coat, and a small scarf head piece. Michael and Maryam were in the most regal attire with a giant gold 4 pound head-dress in Maryam’s hair, and a sword on Michael’s back. I must say I was very impressed with everyone’s patience while other’s got dressed…all in the searing heat (well searing for us westerners…it was probably cool to an Indonesian). Daniel was a champ, again, I’m most impressed with his ability to adapt to all these new places.

More to come ….

day 12: Lombok

Dave and Steve went to the other side of the island for some great surfing. A number of people went to 2 villages, which I would have loved to show Daniel but he really needed a simple chill pool day. And that’s exactly what we did…all…day…long. I think, accept for lunch, we were in the pool for 8 hours!!! The greatest part of being in the pool all day is that Daniel is now so much more comfortable in the water, most especially because he got a swim lesson from Dave Frank, who used to teach kids how to swim in a previous job.

Friday, June 11, 2010

day 11: jimbaran, then Lombok

Daniel and Brenda hung out at the pool in the morning, while Dave and Steve went surfing at airports. The pools at the intercontinental are phenomenal, and super fun for a 7 year old. There are several pool areas with little waterfalls, sprayers, fountaints, etc.

We then met up with the group to fly to Lombok. Landed in the rain, got to the hotel, went to dinner. Dinner was a beautiful setting, all the table right in the sand. Daniel made a new friend, Natalie, and the 2 of them sat together, played games and ate together at their own table. The food was all made by Putu’s sister, all delicious traditional cuisine. Then dessert was also all traditional Lombok desserts, many made of rice or seaweed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

day 10: ubud and jimbaran

We got up early this morning to take a walk thru the rice patties. The light is beautiful in the early morning although Daniel didn’t quite understand why were taking a little hike before breakfast! We kept pointing out the view, but all he was interested in was eating J . One of the coolest things about this particular walk thru the rice patties are the random painting galleries that pop up. We bought a painting of 2 girls wearing wedding head-dresses (since we are here for a wedding, we thought that was appropriate).

Daniel made the hats that he and I are wearing :

After a delicious breakfast at the beautiful lotus café (what a view!), we took Daniel to the Ubud market to make some deals. He bought a really cool wooden puzzle and a bicycyle. They had a really cool tuk tuk, but it was too much rupias even after trying to really bargain.

Next was checking out of ulun ubud and off to Jimbaran bay. We ate some yummy fish at one of the fish shacks on the beach, what a difference from 9 years ago. At that point, there were 2 restaraunts, sharing one kitchen with a few dozen tables in the sand – very romantic. Now it’s about 12 restaraunts, and a few hundred tables – big beach party (but still yummy and cheap).

Monday, June 7, 2010

day 9: ubud

After dropping Daniel off at camp, we went to the ubud market. The Ubud market is a multi level experience, easy to get lost in all the twisty turny passageways. It has food and clothes and artwork and jewelry. Basically everything you find in the stores, but at bargain prices. Typically the stores have the best choices, but the market has much of the same things for less. Dave really enjoyed the bargaining aspect of the Market. We bought some art and some clothes and will Daniel back tomorrow because it’s really a thing a see. I think we’ll give him 100,000 RP (which is like $10) to see what he’ll do with it.

The first time we were in bali, we ate at Satri’s Warung and it was so good, we came back 9 years later. If you want Satri’s banana chicken you must order it a day in advance. It is the most delicious chicken in the world. And much worth the interesting and odd location. It is down a long winding alley with artwork lining the walls. It feels like an alley way, but really it’s where a lot of people are living, so it’s like you are walking thru their home. And eating in their kitchen. There are family toothbrushes in the bathroom!

Saw kecak fire dance and trance dance (i'll upload video)

day 8 : ubud

Daniel went to the green school today. He made some really beautiful kites. I'll let him tell you more.

We walked around Ubud , shopped a little, packed and moved to diff hotel. Dinner at casa luna. Saw legong dance at palace at night.

day 7 : ubud

We let our little volcanologist make the decision to hike up the volcano to look inside. A very tiring hour long hike up up up about 3000 feet. Super cool!

On the way, we stopped at a coffee plantation and saw a cacao bean for the first time!

Friday, June 4, 2010

tegal sari villa

Why I love this hotel….first of all, the location is one of the best locations in Ubud, right at the intersection of Hanoman street and Monkey Forest Road. The staff is incredibly kind and accommodating and helpful. And the room…..I want to move in. (Julie Fisher – take a good look, cause this is the kind of house I want you to build for me one day).

The villa is probably about 1500 sq feet and the space is planned in a beautiful and efficient manner. All the rooms face a central area which consists of a gorgeous pool. The doors facing the inside are all sliding doors made of wood and mostly windows, they retract into the wall and are hidden when you want to open up the whole place. All the doors on the outside perimeter turn to open, with views of the rice paddies. So, you can have the entire place open to the outdoors, or the rooms can be walled (and airconditioned). The details are what really make the place…all the doors are tall, or have wood above them so that they look tall and elegant. The hardware is simple and modern. The wood choices and craftsmanship are perfect. I love the light fixtures – they are made of metal, black on the outside and glowing gold on the inside. The furniture is slightly 50s, which isn’t my favorite, but it really works well in this setting and feels warm and comfortable. There a built in shelves in key places, one with a pass thru from the kitchen to the living room. The kitchen / living room shares one space with a few steps up and a half wall dividing the spaces. The half wall serves as bench in the kitchen, and a sofa in the living room. The kitchen is simple, with a poured concrete counter. The fridge is hidden behind some doors. There is a wooden deck with umbrella at one end of the pool, and the deck itself has 2 sections that can fold up into the back of a deck chair. Too much to write…I’ll finish this post later…

Thursday, June 3, 2010

day 6 : ubud

This morning we met up with Mike and Maryam and their tour group. Mike walked us throught the monkey forest. The monkeys are very territorial , we several fights between the monkeys over food or trees. We also saw them cleaning themselves. The afternoon was relaxing - walking around, swimming, Dave got a massage. In the evening, we went to a temple Odelan, which is a big celebration that happens every 210 days. It was beautiful, the size of the offerings that the women carried on their heads were incredible. It takes them 6 weeks to prepare for this celebration (temple birthday). Even the youngest children are dressed up in the celebration garb. We all got dressed up too. We sat with the Balinese who were praying, lit incense, and had holy water dripped on us. A little boy gave us flowers and incense and helped us with the rice (you put it on your forehead). We may not have done it all correctly, cause he giggled at us. After that, we saw a Balinese Reggae band and had a late night snack.


It was a little funny actually and a little scary because our friend had a bag of coins in his pocket and the monkey thought it was food cause he saw the bag. And he grabbed the bag of coins and he tore open the bag and he tried to eat the coins but he couldn’t eat them so he was like ‘well these aren’t food’ and he threw the coins off the balcony into the water – almost. We also saw a monkey cemetery. It was cool. They had the dates of their deaths on the stones, but not the dates they were born. A went swimming with a friend, Daniel, from Singapore. The temple Odelan (birthday) was cool and fun. They must get ready 6 weeks before the temple birthday.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

day 5: seminyak and ubud

This morning Dave woke up super early to go surfing with the guys. Sounds like it was some pretty big surf! Daniel and Brenda went shopping in Seminyak. Grandpa gave Daniel $20 (which is a whopping 200,000 rupias!) to spend on his trip. He has determined he will purchase 1 toy + 1 instrument + 1 piece of artwork. He’s got all his interests covered: music, art, and toys. It proved to be a bit difficult to navigate Seminyak due to all the traffic, but he found a nice piece of art. I’m proud to say, my boy has good tasteJ. Then after a yummy lunch, we went to Ubud. After some miscommunications with the hotel, and a very confused and lost driver (first day on the job), we finally made it. This is the most incredible hotel , which I will decribe in more detail tomorrow. This evening we enjoyed a puppet show, they are so special here, such detail in the puppets. Now we are all cozy in our villa and about to go to bed.

In general, the surfing has been a little frustrating. Really big waves but Dave has been having trouble catching them, battling a lot of waves to stay out and having a hard time. We’ve been to Canggu, Dreamland and Airports. We took a cab to the beach in Kuta, and paid a outrigger to take us out to the break. The waves were pretty huge, a few feet overhead, but somewhat easy. But I got inside of the big sets many many times. Steve and Dave have caught a lot more waves than I did and had a great day.

Daniel says: it’s kinda hard to find some toys, why not go to Singapore? I met a friend whose name is Daniel also. He is from Singapore. I know some of you know this, but some of you don’t, my favorite toys are legos, his favorite toy too. He brought along a water gun, his favorite toy, which is my favorite toy too. I like all the details of the puppets. The show was really good. It was about a king, who lived in a kingdom, and there was a demon killing lots of people in his kingdom. He tried to find the demon and the queen was very mad and the king did not know what to do. So the queen called all 3 of her sons, and her second 2 believed he was brave and strong and had magical powers. He fought the demons and all of the kings’ kingdom was never afraid of the demons again. I also liked seeing backstage.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010