Monday, May 31, 2010

airplane ride

The plane ride was long but smooth, and everyone in the family did incredibly well. Daniel slept a lot on the 1st flight. We all thought some of the food was funny. The transfer in Korea was easy. All in all…a very nice trip half way across the world.

Daniel says : "Long, very long. I did enjoy it. Maybe the 1st flight. Well the plane was very wiggly wobbly. The 2nd flight wasn’t very long (it was 7 hours). I liked the food, except for these crackers that tasted like seafood. I tried to get daddy to eat them, and I got him to, he thought they were gross. We all giggled."

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you're in Bali! So happy to hear from you - keep up the blogging just for me, please.
