Wednesday, February 26, 2014


So, Dave found out last Wed that he was going to Hong Kong on Friday. and on Friday, Daniel and I decided to join him, leaving on Sunday. This is such a different way to travel for me - with no time for anticipation or research. I'm sort of just winging it, and deciding each day where Daniel and I are going to explore.

The first day, we headed somewhere close by, since we were dealing with jet lag. We took the subway to Wanchai Market, Blue House, and Pak Tai Temple. The subway was super easy. We met up with the girlfriend (Jess) of a guy (Taylor) that Dave is working with for lunch at the Pawn (very cool old building that used to be a Pawn shop). Then we wandered around the Market and took the tram back to our end of town. The tram is like a double decker bus - great for getting a lay of the land.

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