Monday, July 1, 2013

ISRAEL Mon Day 11 Shofar factory, Syrian Border

Today we rafted down the Jordan River. So cool to think we canoed down the Dordogne a year ago, and now in the Jordan River.

Then we visited a fascinating shofar factory and heard about how shofars are made. Each of the kids tried blowing it (it's harder than it looks). The owner made a shofar during our visit to show us the process and we got Ben that particular shofar as his bar mitzvah gift.

After that, we drove to the Syrian border and stared at the fence that separates Israel from Syria. It was oddly calm standing there.

p.s. today is our anniversary. we had a lovely dinner with the entire family and a nice walk thru this kibbutz, which is like a spa / hotel.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Your trip sounds so fun. Makes me want to get the hell outta Chicago.

  2. I love this picture! So beautiful of you two!
    What an amazing trip this must have been. Wow!
