Saturday, July 6, 2013

ISRAEL day 15 our last day

Today we walked around several neighborhoods and got a good feel of the city. We went back to Carmel Market (Daniel had his eye on something from the week before), through some shopping streets to Rothschild Boulevard and found the last surprise of the trip in Rabin Square, where there were hundreds of people gathered for a HUGE water gun war. We thinks it's such a great idea, we're going to organize one here.

ISRAEL day 14 Tel Aviv

well...our group trip came to a close...Gail, Jordan, Brenda, David and Daniel got dropped off in Tel Aviv and everyone else went back to Jerusalem last night.

we spent the day relaxing at the beach, the pool, (it was HOT) and walking around Jaffa, the old port city. It's another wonderful maze of streets with beautiful shops. We found another cool part of town, called the flea market area, where we found some delicious home made pasta for dinner. And Daniel had gelato at a such a great gelato place, we had to come back the following day.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ISRAEL wed day 13 driving back south

We are on our way back south to Tel Aviv / Jerusalem. On our way, we stopped at Safed, which has a history of mysticism (kabbalah). There is an artist community there with candle making, glass blowing, etc.

Our next stop was at Rosh Haniqra, a series of grottos. The sounds of the waves crashing against the rock echoes through the space as we walk through.

Next is the town of Akko, where Jews and Arabs are peacefully living together. We walked through the old fort and the market. Just a quick stop here, as the day is getting later pretty quickly.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ISRAEL Tue day 12 lebanon border and wineries

Yesterday we could throw a stone over to Syria. Today we could throw a stone over to Lebanon. We just stopped at a sandal factory and I think we are now on our way to a winery or 2. Half the group is hiking in the black canyon.

Monday, July 1, 2013

ISRAEL Mon Day 11 Shofar factory, Syrian Border

Today we rafted down the Jordan River. So cool to think we canoed down the Dordogne a year ago, and now in the Jordan River.

Then we visited a fascinating shofar factory and heard about how shofars are made. Each of the kids tried blowing it (it's harder than it looks). The owner made a shofar during our visit to show us the process and we got Ben that particular shofar as his bar mitzvah gift.

After that, we drove to the Syrian border and stared at the fence that separates Israel from Syria. It was oddly calm standing there.

p.s. today is our anniversary. we had a lovely dinner with the entire family and a nice walk thru this kibbutz, which is like a spa / hotel.

NOTE to readers

2 things :

I am adding pictures and text to previous posts each day, so go back and read them

If you double click on a picture, it will open up larger and you can scroll through all the photos from that day.